There are numerous tasks to keep up with throughout the year to preserve your investment in those things that matter most. Did you know that HVAC service for your home is every bit as important as regular service on your automobile?
If you think about the reasons you get your vehicle serviced, you’ll recognize those same benefits pertain to HVAC service. You want to get as many miles from your vehicle as you can and as many years from your HVAC system as possible. You want your vehicle to run efficiently to save on fuel costs, and you want the lower utility costs that an efficient HVAC system affords. Lastly, you don’t want your vehicle to break down or have a large repair expense over something that started out small but was missed, and the same is true of your home’s HVAC system. With our HVAC service, we make sure not only to check your system out for potential problems, but do the tasks that enable it to run the most efficiently.
We make it easy for you at Air Kool Heat & Air by offering maintenance plans for HVAC service. Our 36-point safety check makes sure you have the heat you need for winter and the air conditioning needed for the summer months. Plus, all maintenance plan customers get a 15% discount on all parts and labor, as well as priority service!
If you have questions about what is involved with HVAC service and our maintenance plans, please do not hesitate to call us. As always, you can count on us for reliable and honest service.